Ocean Shores Public Library Ocean Shores Public Library Use the Library's Online Catalog system:
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The Ocean Shores Public Library has a variety of programs for all ages. Browse the pages below to see our upcoming and recent events.

Kids - Imaginative and interactive educational programs for preschoolers and elementary aged kids.

Teens - Social events and learning for middle- and high-schoolers.

Adults - Something for the grown-ups to enjoy.


Calendar - What's happening at the library?

Displays - Bulletin boards, displays and exhibits appearing in the library.

Reviews - Patrons can now write reviews for books, movies, music, etc.

Art in the Library - Artwork created by local artists.

Book A Techie - Schedule technology help with a library specialist.


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Copyright © 2011 - 2024 : Ocean Shores Library • 573 Point Brown Ave NW • Ocean Shores, WA 98569
oslibrary@osgov.com • #360-289-3919
Website by LightScape Web Design