Story Time
Saturdays at 10:30 - 11:00 AM. December 7th & 14th.
No Story Time December 21st or 28th.
Books, rhymes, interactive stories, songs and FUN for ages birth through five.
Weekly Themes: Dec 7: Toys. Dec 14: Toys.
Presented by Niko.
Santa Claus is Coming… to the Library!
Friday, December 13th, 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Kids can…
• Take pictures with Santa!
• Create an ornament to take home!
• Write a letter to Santa!
• Take home a new book from the elves!
Holiday Book Giveaway
Friday, December 13th - Tuesday December 24th, during open hours
Every child, age baby to 6th grade, can take home a new, gift-wrapped book for the Holidays! Come get your book from December 13th through 24th during library open hours.