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Library Board

Ocean Shores Public Library Strategic Plan 2024

Download Strategic Plan in PDF

Strategy Development – In 2018 and 2022, the Ocean Shores Library Board of Trustees undertook a process to develop a strategic plan to guide library activities. A total of 941 surveys were completed. These patron responses served as the guide in assessing the needs of the library community.

Provide a comfortable and safe place to visit Connect to the online world Stimulate imagination through reading, viewing, and listening for pleasure Promote lifelong learning

The Library will provide a safe, welcoming place to meet and interact with others.


  • Meeting Rooms
  • Outdoor Pavilion
  • Extended open hours
  • Clean, updated facility
  • Designated spaces and collections

The Library will provide internet for patrons to access the digital world.


  • Internet Access
  • WiFi Access
  • Online Training
  • Technology Support
  • Social Media
  • eResources

The Library will provide materials to enhance patrons' leisure time, will find out what they want, and will provide the help they need to make choices and access the options.


  • Reader's Guidance
  • Programs
  • Displays

The Library will provide patrons the resources to explore topics of personal interest to continue learning throughout their lives.


  • Collections
  • Information and referral
  • Programs
  • Community and city information
  • Staff Training
  • "Our city library is crucial to the youth and citizens of Ocean Shores. The city of Ocean Shores will continue to support our public library." Mayor Frank Elduen
  • “…I appreciate the library and all that it offers” – library patron
  • “The library is a great asset to the community and deserves community support” – library patron
  • “Staff are all very knowledgeable, friendly and helpful.” – library patron
  • “The library is the heart of our community!” – library patron


Our Vision

The Ocean Shores Public Library will be the essential community resource for residents to access information and ideas that strengthen and enrich their lives.

Our Mission

As the heart of the Ocean Shores community, the library provides access to the world through reading, learning, and connecting.


Keitha Owen, Director; Alex Suarez, Secretary; Jeff Brittain


Board Members

The Ocean Shores Public Library Board consists of five members appointed to five-year terms by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. They meet alternate months in the library meeting room, with zoom available, starting February 14, 2024. Meetings are the second Wednesday from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. The Library Board adopts bylaws, rules and regulations, for its own guidance and for the governance of the Library.

Jeff Brittain - President

Jeff, his wife Mona and their dog Max have lived happily in Ocean Shores since 2015. They enjoy travel, reading and motorcycle riding. Jeff and Mona follow the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Las Vegas Raiders. Jeff is a retired life and health insurance underwriter. They have two grown sons who also reside in Western Washington.

Jeff Brittain

Alex Suarez - Secretary

Alex Suarez Ph.D. has lived in Ocean Shores since 2016, when she retired from teaching at Antioch University's doctoral program in Psychology. She loves the library and likes the people who read, view films, listen to music, meet and enjoy the library because they are learning and being intellectually engaged and interesting. She joined the Library Board in order to support all those people and the continued evolution of the library as a defining cultural space for Ocean Shores.

Alex is a psychologist, with a doctorate and masters degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Washington and a post-doctoral masters in Psychopharmacology from Alliant University. She discovered early on that one can always count on learning to feel engaged and challenged (that is why she loves the library), so she holds certificates in French Literature and Translation, Psychoanalysis, Scientific Illustration, Non-fiction Writing and a post-doc in Dialectic Behavioral Training as well as a lot of practice in meditation from Ridhwan. Now she likes to learn about the natural world around Ocean Shores and studies watercolors at the Northbeach Artists' Guild. You can also find her riding her tricycle around town and the beach. She recently discovered that it is also fun to cook. She volunteers for COASST bird research, the Coastal Interpretive Center and for North Beach PAWS. She lives at the tail end of Duck Lake with her wonderful husband Richard, with Percy the cozy cat, and with Lady the Brittany mutt.

Alex Suarez

Becky Moore

Becky Moore has been visiting Ocean Shores for at least 50 years. Now retired, she and her husband Gayle have made Ocean Shores their retirement home. Their grown children and two grandchildren are delighted to have a house so near the ocean in the family.

After working in the nonprofit sector, she’s excited to use her skills and experience to give to the community here. For as long as she can remember, libraries and books have provided her great joy, guidance and education. When on the road she used local libraries to work from and hold meetings. And made a few copies too! She loves to travel (with lots of research reading beforehand) and practice photography (improved through reading of course). And thanks to the wonderful artistic community in Ocean Shores, she’s learning watercolor and other expressions of arts and crafts. When taking a break from all that, you can find her relaxing with her husband, and a book, with a cat or two on her lap.

Becky Moore

Vickie Cummings

Vickie grew up in the pacific northwest up and down the coast. Joined the Air Force, Air National Guard in Paine Field WA. Found a job in the insurance industry after training and told herself will only be here maybe 6 months, well that didn’t work after 35 years she retired.

Enjoys the outdoors camping with her family and fishing as well as digging for clams. Her husband makes the best chowder in all of Washington. Since her retirement in 2022 she moved to Ocean Shores, and started up doing volunteer work with the AARP. Assisting the community with their taxes, and joined the Library Foundation of Ocean Shores where she currently is on the board of directors.

In her spare time, she loves to work in her garden as well as working on landscaping her backyard and playing with her 2 Rottweilers.

Vickie Cummings

Contact the Library Board of Trustees – libraryboardoftrustees@gmail.com


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