Ocean Shores Public Library Ocean Shores Public Library Use the Library's Online Catalog system:
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The Library was established in 1972. The 4200 sq. ft. building opened in July 1993.

In 2013, the collection consisted of 20,415 volumes, 2,007 DVDs, and 780 music CDs. 54,257 people visited the Library and checked out 70,888 items. There are 15 computers available for public use, one station for catalog only information , one station to reserve a future workstation, and a self-checkout station.

1972 Library Opening
1976 Library Auction

Ocean Shores Public Library History Timeline

1972 - Ocean Shores opens a public library!

1972 - Friends of the Library begin building community memberships.

1976 - Library space expanded within what is now the Permit Center.

1979 - Judy Stull hired as Library Director.

1987 - New Ocean Shores Public Library site found.

1988 - Friends of the Library continue to raise money by bake sales, casino nights, etc.

1990 - Ocean Shores voters approve bond in amount of $265,000.00 for new library building.

1992 - Building of the library begins.

September 24, 1993 - Grand Opening of the library! (Building twice the size of the original site.)

1997 - Library becomes automated... goodbye card catalog.

2003 - Teen programming and events offered for the first time.

2009- Library Director, Judy Stull retires after 30 years of service!

January 2011 - New Library Director, Keitha Owen hired.

May 2011 - Lori Crocker, the first professional Children's Librarian is hired!

September 2011 - New automated system is put in place! Yay for scenic library cards, a new website, online catalog, and online patron accounts.

December 2011 - Downloadable e-books and audiobooks available through OverDrive.

January – December 2012 – A vast number of public programs for all ages were offered. The Interactive Web page became a reality.

January – December 2013 – New more efficient circulation desk (thanks to a bequeathment) came alive.

2017 – 14 expanded and new Public Computer Workstations installed.

2018 – Book-a-Techie service began.

2019 – Building interior and exterior remodeled and expanded from 4200 sq. ft. to 5400 sq.ft. Ocean Shores Library Foundation created.

2020 – 5-year Strategic Plan approved by the Board of Trustees .


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oslibrary@osgov.com • #360-289-3919
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