Holiday Book Drive 2022 |
{posted November 6, 2022}
The 2022 Holiday Book Drive is from November 1st - December 15th.
Children's book donations needed! Donate new unwrapped children's books to the Ocean Shores Library, and we will wrap and distribute them to local children for the Holidays.
New Comfy Couches in the Teen Area |
{posted October 22, 2022}
New comfy couches in the Teen area. Thank you Friends of the Ocean Shores Library!
Ocean Shores Public Library Turns 50! |
{posted October 2, 2022}
The Library Story: 50 Years of Growth
September 2022 marked 50 years since the Ocean Shores Public Library was established. Each weekend during September featured fun activities to celebrate the library's achievements, commemorated the community members who have contributed to documenting the history of Ocean Shores, and had displays of the progress both the community and the library have made over the past 50 years.
To download the 50th Anniversary events in PDF, » CLICK HERE.
Where were you in 1972? Over 550 community members joined the Ocean Shores Library Staff in celebrating the library’s 50-year anniversary.
The celebration was during the month of September and featured 12 events for all ages.
September 9th brought back some memories with a screening of the original Poseidon Adventure, one of the hit films from 1972, starring Gene Hackman and Shelly Winters. Spoiler alert – things get a little upside down in this movie!
September 10th marked the Grand Celebration, with keynote speakers Mayor Jon Martin and City Administrator Scott Andersen. Mayor Martin discussed how fiercely independent the city of Ocean Shores is and how the library is part of that mission. He also discussed how the library continues to evolve and is a welcoming place for all the community to visit. City Administrator Andersen stressed what a vibrant community center the library is while providing access to information, a civic participation center, and lifelong learning. Board members from the Library Board of Trustees, Friends of the Library and Ocean Shores Library Foundation were on hand to offer information, as well. The new 1900 square foot Anneka van Doorninck Pavilion was dedicated, Bill Robison put on a fabulous and funny Family Comedy Show, the video presentation “The Library Story: 50 years of growth” was shown, and hot dogs, chips and sodas were served. A great (and busy) day!
September 17th was ALL about kids and teens! The younger kids began the activities by creating their own pet rocks (I’m sure we all remember those!), and the teens ended the afternoon with a 70’s costume contest and Wii bowling. Treats were had by all.
The final events of the month on September 24th were an entertaining talk by local author Sheila Roberts, who gave the audience a glimpse into the world of publishing and kindly answered questions from the audience. Participants in the Washington Rural Heritage Oral History Project were recognized, and offered commentary during an amazing slide presentation by Joann Lacy entitled “Ocean Shores Memories: Now and Then”, which depicted the early days of Ocean Shores, and many, many pictures showed the tremendous changes that have taken place over the years.
The Friends of the Library generously funded ALL of the activities to help celebrate the 50 year milestone of the Ocean Shores Library, making it an unforgettable birthday for a key resource in the community.
Zoom-Capable Meeting Room |
{posted October 2, 2022}
The Library has two meeting rooms available for the public to use. The large room has new Zoom equipment purchased with a Washington State Library ARPA Grant. Setup is easy and viewing is fabulous on the new 85” screen. Ask the staff for more information and to reserve the room!
Libby Magazine Collection |
{posted August 2, 2022}
The libraries digital selection has expanded to include over 4000 Magazines! You can access the collection with your library card by using the Libby app on your phone or tablet, or accessing the Washington Anytime Library website on your computer.
Library "What's Happening" Newsletter |
{posted January 29, 2022}
Do you want to know what is happening at your Ocean Shores Public Library? Sign up for the monthly newsletter.
Friends of the Library Donation Days 2022 |
{posted January 1, 2022}
Mondays – January 17th and February 21st, Noon – 2:00. Items accepted include books, DVDs, CDs and audio books. All items must be clean and free of mold, mildew and smells.
{posted November 4, 2021}
New title available for one week check out!
Christopher M. Donnells "Let There Be Lights! A Beginner's Guide to Outdoor Christmas Decorating"
Library Card Campaign |
{posted October 2, 2021}
October is Library card sign-up month at the Ocean Shores Library! Staff and volunteers want to let Ocean Shores residents and property owners know that they can get a free Ocean Shores Library card and access the world.
There will be incentives for bringing in a friend and encouraging them to get a card. Spread the word, and let your neighbors know we have a library with services for all ages.
Children's Book Donations Needed |
{posted October 2, 2021}
Did you know the Ocean Shores Library has given away 769 books to children over the past 8 years during the Holiday season? All the books were donated by community members. With your help, the 2021 Holiday Book Giveaway can be the best one yet!
Please bring in new, unwrapped books for ages baby-12 years old. There is an especially large need for gender neutral books for ages 7-9 years. Your donations can be dropped off at the Ocean Shores Library during open hours.
Friends of the Library Book Sales and Donations |
{posted September 21, 2021}
Book Sales:
Due to the current high possible exposure to Covid and to ensure the safety of our volunteers and patrons, all monthly book sales have been delayed until 2022.
In the meantime, the meeting room shelves will be updated every weekend with new items. Books of most genres (2 for $1.00), DVD's ($1.00 each or special price for sets), Puzzles (50 cents each), Music CD's (25 cents each), Audio Books ($1.00 each) and much more. All prices are suggested donations to FOL.
Donations will only be accepted during the Friends of the Library Donation Days.
Sundays: Noon - 2:00 PM,
October 10,
November 7, and
December 5.
Items accepted include Books, DVD's, CD's, Audio Books, Puzzles, Table Games, and Educational Materials. All donated items must be free of mold and mildew.
Library Hours and Open Days Updated |
{posted July 12, 2021}
The Library is Open!
Pick up and checkout all reserved materials in the library on Tuesday - Saturday from 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
NO Appointment needed.
The Library is following the Phase 3 capacity and social distancing Washington guidelines.
Library Hours and Open Days Updated |
{posted May 21, 2021}
The Library is Open!
(With limited capacity and hours.)
Curbside pickup of reserved materials has concluded.
Pick up and checkout all reserved materials in the library on Tuesday – Saturday from 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
NO Appointment needed. The Library is following the Phase 3 capacity and social distancing Washington guidelines.
Thanks – stay tuned for more!
Library Hours and Open Days Updated |
{posted December 1, 2020}
Library Hours Updated Due to Covid precautions, the Library will be closed on Tuesdays until further notice. The Library will also be closed some Saturdays. Please call for information - 360-289-3919. So Sorry for the inconvenience.
Library Open Days, Dec 16 - Jan 9, 12-3 PM
Wednesday, December 16th
Thursday, December 17th
Friday, December 18th
Wednesday, December 23rd
Wednesday, December 30th
Thurday, December 31st
Wednesday, January 6th
Thursday, January 7th
Friday, January 8th
Saturday, January 9th
Ocean Shores History Comes Alive! |
{posted December 1, 2020}
The Ocean Shores Library applied for and was granted from the Secretary of State - Washington State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library Services a 1-year grant to orally record the early history of Ocean Shores.
A dedicated group of 5 volunteers worked with the Ocean Shores Library and the State Library to approach 21 community citizens that had glorious stories and historical tales of Ocean Shores past to excitedly share.
These fabulous recollections, in their own words, can be listened to on the State Library website.
This eye-opening adventure and detailed history is a slice of life that will be listened to and enjoyed for generations to come. You can listen, and see for yourself (Historic photos also available on this site) what the bustle was all about. Enjoy!
Children's Pumpkin Decorating - To Go! |
{posted October 7, 2020}
Elementary children/parents can pick up a pumpkin and decorating kit at the library during open hours. 1 pumpkin per child. Limited pumpkins available!
Curbside pickup days are: Friday, October 30 & Saturday, October 31, Noon - 3 PM.
Thanks to Sam in produce at IGA for donating the pumpkins!
Children's Mystery Book Bag Request |
{posted August 10, 2020}
Ocean Shores Public Library is offering children’s mystery book bags for library patrons by request. Each bag contains 10 random children’s library books upon your selection of material below and will check out for 3 weeks. When your request has been received, you will be notified about how you will be able to pick up the mystery book bag at the library.
Ocean Shores Public Library Limited Reopening |
{reposted from June 1, 2020}
The Ocean Shores Public Library is open for curbside Holds/Reserves drive-through pickup service only.
Tuesday - Saturday, 12:00 - 3:00 PM. The library will deliver materials in bags to your vehicle.
This service will continue even after the Library reopens on July 21st.
Materials can be reserved:
- Online (click My Account in the upper right corner of this web page).
- Call the library during the above days and hours (#360-289-3919).
An email will be sent when your items are ready for pickup. Sorry no in-person requests.
Due to limited staff please request up to 5 items at a time.
Materials will be due in 21 days, except for new adult fiction, which will be 14 days.
DVDs – 5 requests at a time due back in 7 days.
All returns are to be placed in the book drops.
Library Card application is accessed with a button in the upper right corner of this web page.
Library Card renewals - please call during the open hours.
Library building is closed - no lobby entrance, no restrooms, no computer use.
No donations will be accepted.
All returned items will be quarantined for at least 72 hours.
Ocean Shores Library Foundation |
{posted May 28, 2020}
The Library Needs YOU
The Ocean Shores Library Foundation, a 501.c.3 charitable organization, is seeking enthusiastic candidates to join a 5 person Board of Directors. The Foundation assists in funding the current and future needs of the library beyond public monies for initiatives, capital improvements, and resources to meet community needs.
The 2019 library expansion would not have occurred without the generosity of a legacy gift left to the Foundation. As the heart of the Ocean Shores community, the library provides access to the world through reading, learning, and connecting. The library is an essential community resource for residents to access information and ideas that strengthen and enrich their lives. Be a part of the future.
Please contact Keitha Owen,360-289-3919 for more information.
Ocean Shores Public Library Temporarily Closed |
{posted March 14, 2020}
Press Release Forthcoming
The Library will be closing at 5:00 PM on 3/14/2020, tentatively to reopen 5/5/2020, in response to COVID-19.
Ocean Shores Public Library Strategic Plan 2020-2025 |
{posted February 17, 2020}
The Ocean Shores Library Board of Trustees undertook a process to develop a strategic plan, a shared vision for our community. This strategic plan will guide library activities over the next five years. Four hundred and thirty one library patrons completed a survey to guide and assess the needs of the library community.
The Ocean Shores Public Library will be the essential community resource for residents to access information and ideas that strengthen and enrich their lives.
As the heart of the Ocean Shores community, the library provides access to the world through reading, learning and connecting. The library will provide meeting rooms.
To provide a comfortable and safe place to visit
To connect to the online world with public internet access
To stimulate imagination through reading, viewing, and listening for pleasure
To promote lifelong learning
Strategies and Services
The following strategies address each of the goals listed above. Please find a list of the specific services under each strategy.
The Library will provide a safe, welcoming place to meet and interact with others
The library will provide meeting rooms
The seating in the library will be available to the public
Extended open hours will include weekends
Facilities will be clean and updated
There will be designated spaces for collections
The Library will offer displays of artwork and artifacts
The Library will provide high-speed internet for patrons to access the digital world
The library will provide online training
The library will provide technological support
The library will provide WiFi access
The Library will provide materials to enhance patrons’ leisure time, will find out what they want, and will have the help they need to make choices and access the options
The library will provide readers’ guidance
The library will organize and provide programs
The library will facilitate displays
The Library will provide the resources needed for patrons to explore topics of personal interest and continue learning throughout their lives
The library will provide collections
The library will provide information and referral
The library will organize and present programs
The library will train its staff so that they can provide optimal services
Library Trustee Wanted
- Volunteer Position |
{posted October 21, 2019}
Do you live in Ocean Shores?
Interested in volunteering for a cause that enhances the livability in Ocean Shores?
Have a passion for the Ocean Shores Public Library?
The Ocean Shores Library and the City of Ocean Shores have an opening for a member of the Library Board of Trustees, a governing and policy-making board.
Attendance at monthly meetings
A willingness to advocate for the library in the Ocean Shores community
Publicly speak and promote library services
Serve on Board Committees
The position will be vacant beginning January 2020
Application review by the Library Board of Trustees will begin November 13, 2019
Applications: – Boards and Commissions, Fire Station Lobby, Library
Contact a current Library Board of Trustees member
Call Library 280-3919 ask for Keitha
October 1st is Our Grand Re-opening! |
{posted September 12, 2019}
Your Ocean Shores Library: Expanding More Than Minds
Celebrate our expansion and remodel. Join us for the ribbon cutting and refreshments on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 11:00 AM.
The enlarged meeting room and new smaller meeting room/quiet study area give you more options for scheduling. The new paint, flooring, and furniture revitalize the 26-year old interior. The energy efficient LED lights shine brightly and save money. The new curb cut with ramp, automatic doors, added parking, and ADA compliant toilet increase accessibility. And, the expanded collection area adds more shelving to enhance your reading choices.
The expansion and remodel were privately funded entirely through legacy gifts to the Ocean Shores Library Foundation and the Friends of the Library. No tax-payer money was expended.
Thank you for your patience during our closure. We look forward to seeing you.
Ocean Shores Library Expansion July Update |
{posted July 21, 2019}
Expanding More Than Minds
Drive or walk by and see the progress. The secured containers in the parking lot contain the emptied library’s furniture and collection. A special thank you is extended to the many volunteers who helped staff box and move the collection.
The west and north expanded sections are framed and covered in protective Tyvek. The new roof tiles seamlessly match the south sloped roof. Energy efficient windows are installed in both additions.
The meeting room wall is down connecting the old space with the new addition. The west wall is coming down in sections as each cut section is structurally reinforced. The badly soiled 26-year old carpeting is gone to be replaced with new more easily maintained carpet tiles and vinyl.
Please visit the two temporary locations:
- Ocean Shores Convention Center,
Monday and Tuesday, Noon - 4:00 PM, starting July 15th (except August 6) for material check-out,
- North Beach Junior/Senior High, Wednesday and Thursday, Noon - 4:00 PM, starting July 17th for material check-out and PC access. A current Ocean Shores Library card is required for the PC access.
A small selection of new and current books for all ages, CD’s, Audio Books and DVDs may be checked out on a first come basis. Holds and ILL (Inter-Library Loan) will not be available. All holds/reserves currently on your account will be reactivated when the library reopens. Book-a-Techie can be scheduled.
Ocean Shores Library Expansion June Update |
{posted June 27, 2019}
Expanding More Than Minds
The library is closing July 3rd at 6:00 PM. The construction is on schedule with the west and north expanded sections framed and roofed. Next is breaking through the existing walls to connect the old with the new. Then, the interior work can begin.
Please visit the two temporary locations:
- Ocean Shores Convention Center,
Monday and Tuesday, Noon - 4:00 PM, starting July 15th (except August 6) for material check-out,
- North Beach Junior/Senior High, Wednesday and Thursday, Noon - 4:00 PM, starting July 17th for material check-out and PC access. A current Ocean Shores Library card is required for the PC access.
A small selection of new and current books for all ages, CD’s, Audio Books and DVDs may be checked out on a first come basis. Holds and ILL (Inter-Library Loan) will not be available. All holds/reserves currently on your account will be reactivated when the library reopens. Book-a-Techie can be scheduled.
Don’t miss the Friends of the Library last sale of the summer on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th from 10-4 in the library meeting room. Book sales will resume in the expanded meeting room when the library re-opens.
Watch for the grand re-opening in September.
Press Release - Library Expansion To Begin |
{posted May 23, 2019}
Watch the Ocean Shores Library expand. Construction of the 1,175 square foot expansion is beginning. The equipment in the parking lot belongs to Rognlin's Inc, the winning contractor.
Keitha Owen, Library Director says, "This 28% increase is much needed. On average, thirty people walk through the door every open hour. The building has much wear and tear after 26 years." This is the first remodel since it opened.
The new exterior walls to the north and west will be erected while the library is open. Demolition of the interior walls will require closing the library. Books, shelving, and furniture will be removed for protection and housed in shipping containers on-site. An empty building allows for faster construction minimizing costs and closed hours. The library plans to close from July 4 through September.
Thanks to Mayor Crystal Dingler, staff will be able to offer temporary service at the Convention Center on Mondays and Tuesdays from 12:00 - 4:00 PM starting July 15 (exception August 6).
North Beach School District, Superintendent Andy Kelly, has offered to partner with the Library during the library’s closed time. North Beach junior/senior high will offer temporary access to computer workstations Wednesdays and Thursdays 12:00 - 4:00 PM starting July 17. A current Ocean Shores Library card is required. Printing is available .25 per page.
Both locations will offer a selection of new and popular books, magazines, CDs, audio books and DVDs for all ages to browse and check out. The Book-a-Techie service can also be scheduled.
NO taxpayer money is being expended on the project. "The Friends of the Library and the Ocean Shores Library Foundation are funding the project entirely through legacy gifts and private donations," according to Denise Siers, President of both organizations.
The Ocean Shores Library is expanding more than minds. The staff are happy to answer any questions.
Historical Photos |
{posted February 11, 2019}
Washington Rural Heritage is a community memory initiative headquartered at the Washington State Library. The project brings together unique local history materials from libraries, museums, and private collections of citizens across Washington State.
Ocean Shores Heritage documents the early growth and development of Ocean Shores - one of Washington State's youngest cities. The collection is a project of Ocean Shores Public Library, funded by a grant from the Washington State Library.
The Ocean Shores Public Library is partnering with the Coastal Interpretive Center. Volunteers are adding many historical photos of Ocean Shores to the Washington Rural Heritage website. The library plans to take it "on the road" to showcase in May.
Holiday Book Drive 2018 |
{posted November 10, 2018}
Ocean Shores Public Library Holiday Book Drive 2018. Give the Gift of READING! November 10th - December 13th. Donate new children's books to the Ocean Shores Library, and we will wrap and distribute them to local children for during Holidays.
Your book donations will be given out during the Holiday Book Giveaway Party on Saturday, December 15th from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. All local North Beach children, ages baby to 6th grade, are invited to come and make fun holiday crafts, write letters to Santa, and get their free wrapped book from the Elves.
For children unable to attend The Holiday Book Giveaway Party, wrapped books will be still available for children from Tuesday December 18th through Saturday December 22nd between 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
News Release - Expansion Funding |
{posted August 23, 2018}
The Ocean Shores Library Board of Trustees has received notification that it is the recipient of the estate of Victoria Trower by a legal office in Bremerton. The board has received a payment of $375,000 to date with expected additional funding when the estate has been finalized.
The funding will be administered by the Library Board of Trustees under a Non-Profit Foundation. "This is an amazing gift to our library," quoted board President Robin Fickle.
"This gift will help supplement the Kaba Estate and Friends of the Library funding that is currently working on a building expansion project. In addition this funding can provide a long term funding stream for future non-operational projects with the Ocean Shores Library," said Denise Siers President of Friends of the Library and member of the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees is currently working on a budget plan for the funding.
"Ms. Trower has left an amazing gift and the board wants to ensure that it is used to the fullest extend to enhance the patron experience in the Ocean Shores Library," quoted Board Secretary Bob Krueger.
Victoria Trower, a longtime resident of Bremerton, died on August 30, 2017. "Vicky" enjoyed traveling, reading, and playing piano. She will be remembered for her kindness, grace, and strong Christian faith. She was preceded in death by her husband Herbert.
Library Display Cases |
{posted June 5, 2018}
Are you an artist that works with objects or creates three-dimensional pieces that can easily be displayed on shelving? Do you have a collection of memorabilia or objects that may be interesting to the general public and are appropriate for all ages? Would your non-profit organization like to create a display to let the community know what you do? The Ocean Shores Library is currently scheduling displays in the lobby case and could use your help. Please email with a description of your proposed display, or call 360-289-3919. Thanks for your help!
The 5th Annual Holiday Book Giveaway for local kids |
November 6, 2017
Our goal is to give every child a new, wrapped book for the holidays. Over the last four years, we have given 349 books to children! We hold a book drive in November, asking for new, unwrapped books for ages baby-12 years old. You can drop your donation off at the library anytime during open hours. If you would like to help out by wrapping books for children, please contact library staff.
Ready, Get Set = Raffle! |
June 19, 2017
The Second Annual Art Raffle sponsored jointly by the Associated Arts of Ocean Shores and Friends of the Library has commenced. If you want to 'be in the competition' for your favorite piece (or pieces) by local artists heed these simple steps: [1] View and select your favorite piece(s) from the display in the library. [2] Place your $1 donation in an envelope [available to the right on circulation desk as you enter library] on which you write your contact information and the number of your favorite piece. One envelope for each $1 please, [3] Put your envelope in the Raffle Box located with the envelopes.
There is an optional Step 4 > Return to the library and repeat Steps 1, 2, & 3. Winners will be drawn during the AAOS's Art's and Craft's Fair on Labor Day weekend. Thanks to the AAOS Artists for their contributions and to you for participating Don't forget to repeat Step Four as often as possible!!!
Our Appreciation For Your Donations: Loni Lou LaQuill – Ed Schroll – Joan Lohr - Sandy DeLuna – Jess LaQuill – Kristi Beitzel - Linda Parisi – Larry Walden – Ardith Forsgren – Kathy Gustafson – Jeff Springer – Carol Frances DeLuna – AAOS – Bank of the Pacific - Anonymous
Holiday Book Drive 2016 |
November 14, 2016
Once again, the Ocean Shores Public Library is holding a book drive for our 4th Annual Holiday Book Giveaway for Children. We are accepting donations of new or 'like new' used children's books to give away to local kids on December 17th at the Holiday Book Giveaway Party!
Over the last three years, we have given away 259 books to kids over the holidays. It is a wonderful opportunity to give a child the gift of reading. Click here for photos of children recieving their gifts from previous book drives. Thank you for your support.
Support the Ocean Shores Friends of the Library Raffle |
June 27, 2016
In partnership with the Associated Arts of Ocean Shores. Check out the pieces of beautiful art work donated by local Ocean Shores artists. Raffle entries are $1.00 per entry. Items will not be mailed to winners, and all items must be picked up by September 23. Drawing will be September 9 at the Arts and Crafts Festival. Enter as often as you would like.
Dedication of Meeting Room |
March 17, 2016 at 4:00 PM
The Library Board of Trustees and the Friends of the Ocean Shores Library are dedicating the library meeting room in Beth Jordan's memory. Come celebrate her extraordinary efforts in starting the library and her love of libraries. A wonderful plaque will be presented, and then placed in the library lobby. The new Ocean Shores Co-op Bakery Deli Craft shop organized by Board member Linda Swalley will be providing yummy treats.
Food For Fines 2015 |
November 6, 2015
The Ocean Shores Public Library will once again be offering our "Food For Fines" program this month. Patrons can pay late fees with non-perishable food items. One item equals $0.50 in late fees. This does not cover lost materials. The program will run from
Tuesday, November 10th through
Saturday, November 21st.
* All
donations will go to local area food banks. This is in cooperation with the North Beach High School
Food Ball.
Holiday Book Drive 2015 |
October 13, 2015
Give the Gift of Reading! Any time between October 13th through December 16th, donate new or gently used children's books to the Ocean Shores Library.
We will wrap and distribute the books to local children before Christmas.
Book Store Reinvention |
July 24, 2015
The Friends of the Library Used Book Sales will now be held in the Library Meeting Room.
Book Store dates for the remainder of 2015 will be August 8th, September 5th, October 10th, November 14th, and December 12th, Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
WHY? The building that housed our book store for more than a year has been sold. We are vacating by the end of July. Rather than rent another space it has been decided to reinvent our book sales.
ALSO! The FOL Book Shelves in the library lobby will be greatly expanded into the Meeting Room. Shelving will be added to the walls of the Meeting Room and filled with the more popular genre of books. The honor system of paying for books [that is used in the lobby] will also be used for the meeting room. These books will be available during open library hours and frequently restocked. Stop by and browse!
WHAT? What is the big deal? The income from FOL fundraisers supports adult and youth programs and events at the library. Those dollars provide many extras at our library.
Volunteers are needed:
- To transport boxes of books to the meeting room on the Friday before sales.
- To set up tables and display those books on those Friday afternoons.
- To pack and move books not sold on Saturday afternoons.
- To sell books on those Saturdays, either morning or afternoon shift.
Support the Friends of the Library Raffle |
July 13, 2015
Check out the more than 20 pieces of beautiful art work donated by local Ocean Shores artists. Raffle entries are $1.00 per entry. Enter as often as you would like. Reception and drawing will be Thursday, December 10th at 2:00 PM in the library meeting room. Items will not be mailed to winners and all items must be picked up by December 17th.
Thank you to the Associated Arts of Ocean Shores and the local artists for supporting the Ocean Shores Friends of the Library. Also thank you to Niko Laranang for sewing the beautiful raffle box cover and to Linda Parisi for coordinating with Associated Arts for the donations.
Food For Fines 2014 |
November 5, 2014
The Ocean Shores Public Library will be accepting non-perishable food items for late fines from November 5th through November 20th.* All donations will go to local area food banks.
*This will not include lost materials. One item will equal $0.50 in late fees. This is in cooperation with the North Beach High School Food Ball.
New Website Functionality |
June 30, 2014
The new wider layout for the Ocean Shores Public Library website may have caught your eye immediately, but we've also added more new features:
- Reserve the Meeting Room online
- Make an Inter-Library Loan request online
- Fill out a Volunteer Application Form online
- Print a children's Library Card application to fill out
- Print a Teen Advisory Board application to fill out
Please Continue to Support Your Library! |
June 3, 2014
Updated for the August 5, 2014 Primary Election, get the details on the Library Levy Fact Sheet. Voting "Yes" to pass this levy will insure the library remains open with current staffing and hours for the next three years.
New Check-In/Check-Out Desk is Complete |
January 31, 2014
New Check in / check out desk at the Ocean Shores Public Library. Funding bequeathed by longtime volunteer Pat Cogswell. Design by Keitha Owen. Constructed by Total Building Concepts, Inc. Jeremy Towery. Technology by Midbrod Networking Grant Midbrod.
Construction on a New Check-In/Check-Out Desk |
January 6, 2014
The Library was the wonderful recipient of bequeathed money from a longtime volunteer and patron, Pat Cogswell. Pat volunteered for the library 9 hours a week for over 10 years.
Her wishes were for the library to have a new check-in / check-out desk. The Library Board is monitoring the project and has hired local construction company, Total Buildings Concepts Inc. owned and operated by Jeremy Towery . Jeremy has worked in Ocean Shores on many, many projects for the past 15 years. Grant Midbrod with Midbrod Networking Services is installing all the technology.
In order to keep the library access open during the construction – we will be using the meeting room to do temporary check out / check in processes. Materials can be returned and reserves can be picked up.
Unfortunately the groups scheduled to use the meeting room will not be able to meet.
The groups are making other location arrangements, so please check with your group. The Library Programs will be rescheduled to future months. Watch for future program calendars for details.
The new desk will significantly improve traffic flow and increase staff work efficiencies.
Please stop by and watch the progress.
As with any construction projects – the finish date is always a bit up in the air, however we are aiming for the first of February.
Library Director
Update: January 18, 2014 - Jeremy and Kaleb Towery prepping the space for the new check in / check out desk.
Update: January 23, 2014 - Jeremy and Kaleb Towery with Lynn Powell assembling the new check in / check out desk.
Holiday Book Drive for Kids |
November 25, 2013
The Ocean Shores Library is asking for donations of new or gently used books for children, ages 2 - 12, for a Holiday Book Drive. Give the gift of reading this Holiday Season to a child. New, unwrapped, books can be dropped off at the Library during business hours, from November 26 - December 18. On December 20th, the staff will begin distributing the books to children that visit the library. If you have a child who would like a book, they can pick one up between December 20th and December 24th. This is a wonderful way to promote literacy, and get books into the hands of children who need them. Thank you for your support.
Adult Winter Reading Program Winners |
April 4, 2013
"While the City Sleeps", the 2013 Adult Winter Reading Program, was created to encourage leisure reading among adults. Partcipants were to read or listen to five books checked out from the library, and keep a reading log. Each Friday there was a drawing for a free book. Reading logs were entered into the Grand Prize drawing at the end of March. 24 people signed up, 53 slips were turned in, and 265 titles were read.
Grand Prizes were a beautiful handmade quilt donated by Barbara Patton, an original new Kindle, and two $25 Amazon gift cards, generously supported by the Ocean Shores Friends of the Library.
Mark Van Guse, quilt winner. |
Melodie Youngs, Kindle winner.
Jim Mitchell, gift card winner. |
Marty Olson, gift card winner. |
Rapunzel Raffle |
April 1, 2013
Three items will be awarded to one winner in the raffle. All center on the German folk tale, RAPUNZEL, which was first published by the Brothers Grimm in 1812.
- Caldecott Medal Winning Book [1998] RAPUNZEL. This classic tale is illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky whose stunning paintings reflect the traditional European art of the era.
- Seymour Mann’s porcelain doll, RAPUNZEL, 1986 edition. She is hand-painted, her clothing is hand sewnand she is of heirloom quality in her original box.
- Disney’s DVD, a movie based on the tale RAPUNZEL, entitled "Tangled."
Friends of the Library are grateful for a local resident’s donation of these items. Be sure to look for their display at the library. You could win a perfect keepsake or a delightful gift.
$1.00 per entry. Drawing in September.
Friends of the Ocean Shores Public Library Raffle Winner |
February 16, 2013
Dolores from Dolores’ and Fay’s shop donated a beautiful Americana quilt to the Friends of the Ocean Shores Public Library for their fund-raising raffle.
Congratulations to the winner, Marilyn Hilsen!
New Library Hours for 2013
December 18, 2012
New Hours Coming in 2013:
Tuesday - Thursday: 11-6
Friday - Saturday: 10-5
Sunday - Monday: closed.
Non-Resident Library Card Fees Adopted November 15, 2012
Citizens living (or owning property) within the Ocean Shores City limits pay $.0247 per $1,000 assessed value. A $200,000 home would be $49.40 per year.
To insure that non tax payers residing outside of the Ocean Shores city limits bear the same cost as those tax payers in the City, a Non-Resident fee of $45.00 annually was approved by the Ocean Shores Public Library Board of Trustees on January 18, 2012.
For Non-Resident North Beach School District Students (ASB card or Home School Cre-dentials required, ages 5 – 18), an individual $5.00 annual fee was approved.
For Non-Residents, temporarily visiting Ocean Shores, a three month Individual or Family fee of $15.00 was approved.
Tax payers that live outside of Ocean Shores may see a library charge on their property tax statement, this supports the library in that region. For example, North Beach residents see a library charge that supports the Timberland Library System and their closest regional library is located in Hoquiam.
Comments regarding this policy can be directed to the Ocean Shores Public Library Board of Trustees. The Library Board of Trustees meetings are on the third Thursday of each month at 2 PM in the library meeting room. The meetings are open to the public. |
Print Magnifier now at the Library
October 16, 2012
New! Ocean Shores Public Library print magnifier.
Great for books, magazines, pill bottles, letters, photographs and more!
Donated by the Ocean Shores Lions Club.
[It is for viewing only – it does not print.]
40th Anniversary Celebration of the Library
October 6, 2012
Friends of the Library are holding a celebration for the Ocean Shores Library’s 40th Anniversary! Yes, there has been an Ocean Shores Library operating for forty years. Of course, it didn’t always have this site or building.
Come to the party and see all the pictures about the library's early days. Explore what the library features and offers today. Browse display of art by local artist, take a chance at winning one, or more. Partake of refreshments. Enjoy music by Donovan Scott, local keyboard artist. There will be activities and games for the kids, too. Come to the party to meet and greet old friends and new. You are invited to join the celebration and to join Friends of the Library.
Friends of the Ocean Shores Public Library RAFFLE!!!
August 2, 2012
Sixteen Ocean Shores Artists have generously donated 20 art pieces to the Friends of the Ocean Shores Public Library for their fund-raising raffle. Tickets are $1.00 per item, enter as many times as you wish. Drawing will be held in October 12th just after the Friends celebrate the 40th Birthday of the Ocean Shores Public Library on October 6th.
Super Safety Slogans Poster Contest
May 2012
Students in kindergarten through eighth grades used their creativity to construct posters with slogans that are displayed in participating organizations to raise awareness of sidewalk safety concerns. All the supplies to create the posters were provided at the library, along with time to complete their designs. All those who participated received a small prize, with grand prizes being awarded to the top posters in three separate age groups. This program was funded by the Safe Routes to School Grant.
Winners received a free bike from North Coast Skate and Bike shop! |
The Seattle Times
May 15, 2012
The Ocean Shores Public Library now subscribes to The Seattle Times newspaper, daily as well as the Sunday edition.
Library Catalog is Now Mobile!
April 16, 2012
Yes, that's right, the Library Catalog is now mobile! You asked for it and here it is. On April 17th and beyond, whenever you visit the Library Catalog, you'll see Apollo-To-Go™. This will be on iPhones, iPads, Android phones/tablets, or other touchscreen
mobile devices. Apollo will auto-sense your device from the catalog links and search in the green box in the top right corner of the Library website. |
Are you a Local Author? Would you like to talk about your book?
March 5, 2012
The Ocean Shores Public Library is contemplating hosting an Author Fair Program in late Summer or early Fall. This public event would allow authors to meet the public, sell their books and talk with other local authors. If you are interested, please call 360-289-3919. |
Clam Festival
February 18, 2012
The Library will be represented at the Clam Festival on March 24th. |
Library Amnesty Week: You forgot? We forgive!
Tuesday, January 24th – Tuesday, January 31st, 2012
The Ocean Shores Public Library knows the economy hasn’t improved much… and understands many of our loyal patrons are still experiencing financial difficulties at this time.
So, overdue materials can be returned either inside the library or in the outside book drop, no questions asked, and late fees will be forgiven. This is not valid for lost items or replacement charges. Please don’t stop using the Library because of overdue items, the Library has great books, computers and programs for all ages that patrons should be taking advantage of. The Ocean Shores Library also started issuing new, improved library cards in September of 2011, and if you haven’t gotten one of them, we encourage you to do so!
For more information, contact the Library at 360-289-3919. |
Check out eReaders at the Ocean Shores Public Library
December 21, 2011
Try before you buy! The Ocean Shores Public Library has received a grant from the Washington State Library to provide access to eReaders for the community. The library currently has two Kindles and one Nook available for borrowers to check out for a two week period. Each device comes preloaded with a different variety of books for the borrower to enjoy. |
Ocean Shores Public Library Now Offers Download Audiobooks, eBooks, Music, and Video
December 8, 2011
Ocean Shores Public Library has expanded its services with audiobooks, eBooks,
music, and video, available to download from the library’s website. Library card holders can check out
and download digital media anytime, anywhere.
Users may browse the library’s website, check out with a valid library card, and download to PC, Mac®,
and many mobile devices. Users will need to install free software. For audiobooks:
OverDrive® Media Console™.To read eBooks, users will need Adobe® Digital Editions and/or a Kindle app. Titles can be
enjoyed immediately or transferred to a variety of devices, including Kindle, iPod®, Sony® Reader™, and
many others. Some audio titles can also be burned to CD to listen on-the-go. Titles will automatically
expire at the end of the lending period. There are no late fees! This new service, powered by OverDrive, is free for patrons with their library card. |
New Online Services
October 22, 2011
We are proud to announce two new additions to our online services. Download free audio books from LibriVox, and download free e-books from Project Gutenberg! Both can be accessed through our online Catalog system. |
You Can Write A Review!
October 18, 2011
What did you like about the book you just read, the movie you just saw, or the music you just listened to? Let others know! |
Ocean Shores Public Library Open House
September 24, 2011
Ocean Shores Public Library held a grand celebration including refreshments, music, children’s activities, and a short presentation highlighting some of the library’s treasures. Attendance was excellent, and an enjoyable time was had by all.
The Friends of the Library held a drawing for a Kindle during the open house. The winner was Shelley Voie. Congratulations! |
New Library Catalog is Online
September 9, 2011
Check out your new online library catalog in the green box at the top right corner of this page. Explore the items your library owns, put items on reserve (hold), and look at your account. |
New Library Cards in Five Styles
September 9, 2011
The Ocean Shores Public Library has a new look, new conveniences and new ways for you to access information. Along with this change all patrons will receive new library cards. Which one will you choose? |
New Baskets for Use in the Library
August 2011
The Friends of the Library have provided new baskets for our patrons. No need to carry armloads around the Library when you can now use a convenient basket. |
New Library Hours
August 2, 2011
The Ocean Shores Public Library has expanded their hours of service. We now open our doors at 10 a.m. Tuesday through Saturday. We don't close until 7 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday, 6 p.m. on Thursday, and 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. |